they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Friday, August 05, 2011

now that blogger is finally up again, I don't know what I want to blog about.

I am never able to stay mad at you for very long, I guess you have too many redeeming qualities. I should HATE you.

Today was an intoxicating experience, and I can see why I am under a spell. And now i don't want to over think the situation. But thinking about how much I should think about it really makes my head hurt.

I want to go with the flow. but...

what if...

I can't have everything. I shouldn't settle, neither should be unrealistic. I was over the moon when I saw it and he made me smile immensely. And though it was the smallest thing ever. It was me being a giddy school girl.

What would make me happy. What would make me happy right now.

but nothing ever happens the way you want it.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

this week theme is youthfulness.

meeting friends from past and parallel. not too sure where they fit, yet excited at all things novel.
My heart racing with anticipation and mirrored is the nervousness I too feel.
He came around the corner and we hugged as if we've expected this. though I haven't seen you in many moons. you remind me of him in so many way. I let him today take care of me. I shouldn't have, but he was so nervous and I just couldn't believe that though time has trickled by, we picked up where we almost began. Now that we are older and more distant from it all. it feels easy.