they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Monday, February 09, 2009


A new year has come around and in the name of tradition, a gathering of friends was in order.
Like all the other years, I invited the council peeps over for dinner and fun :")

But what I was pleasantly surprised at was the love and generousity that poured into the dinner. I thought that no one would bother to come out grocery shopping with kenneth and I, but in the end Sean, Gary Anhong and Christie all came! They made my day. Shopping at Sheng Shiong was a blast, I took a back seat and WE planned for what to eat. The 30 mins was spent laughing joking and tossing food around, ogling at the oddities they sell in the supermarket. Christie and I lamenting that thi would be the only time that guys would be remotely interested in grocery shopping. Sean was being Sean about all things :)

At least this year we did not have any crazy ideas about boilling frogs and eating limpets. But we did have a moment about a 3 kg fish that would make oursteamboat pot look inadequate, we did buy bak kuteh flavouring and chinese herbs. lol.. If there is anything I've learnt from the previous years, its.. If you can't beat them, join them.

Everyone helped out! Especially when it came to preparing the food, setting the table, getting everything settled. Maybe my new matra has helped - chillax :") . Even Andrew helped! Thanks! For once I start to see that Nic is getting domesticated. I guess flying has done her some good. Thanks for Gary and Kenneth for the fab work in the kitchen! Christie I'd prob have gone crazy without you thanks for keeping all the guys at bay! Anhong you never fail to make everything entertaining even unwrapping crabmeat sticks.. Thanks Yihan, Jiji for setting up the tables and chairs.

Honestly, the food was secondary to the company. Laughter was never ceasing as we eased from topic to topic, persons, gossips and all else under the sun. It was one wicked dinner party! Was a great reunion of friends and memories.


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