i think that there are many things that are important in my life.. today friends rang out as 1
keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me, for sure.
So I followed where the path took me
only to be betrayed by the sun
the same sun that guided me through the twilight of yesterday
today marked the beginning of betrayal against myself
for something I don't know
am not sure
I'm angry that I don't know that I can't say no
I'm sorry I couldnt speak up for you
I'm sorry
to marks the end of my longing
I want to hurt myself
but cant speak
I know that no one is watching
I hate this entry Its not capturing what i'm trying to say
it means to say FUCK
I hate myself
I hate being depressed
fel I had a wonderful day today
that out of all the things in the world I cant believe that I got suckered into this
that I'm hurt
that I feel lost, betrayed , taken to the pits and back
I hate that I'mnot good enough
that I have to prove my worth
that all i'm amounting to is a lump of lissless flesh
that I hurt cause I feel used
and that I am not comfortable to say why
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