they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I've watched tonnes of shows about teenage pregnancies, out of all this one really hit a nerve. I felt it was very real, everything they portray is to a T. packaged my with angst and emotion and a pinch of tragedy.

I am sucked into this world, my world where sex is the main ingredient to every facet of life. Its in the music, in the ads, on TV. And if you don't get in on it, you can kiss your sorry ass goodbye. You can hang with the rift raft of society.

Then I wonder, I have plenty of role model to tell me "this is how it's done" or in contexts how its NOT. don't get pregnant, lay off it till you're older. But there is no one here to show me or the tonnes of others like me how it is to act. I have No role models. Are there even alternatives to sexual activity. No one.

They just say it is wrong, but they don't tell you HOW to do right.
It is the only form of expression that I watch All the time in the media

Its the only form of disgust I feel when watch kanye on MTV, or when a girl walks by in an A4 skirt.
This filth is self inflicked, I am torn between flirting with evil and the other side
Its called the other side because I do not know what to call it, I don' even know it exist.
the fairy tale side of the love story.

I want to know if there is any ground that we walk on that does not involve sexually motivated actions
that being a youth is not only about the hook ups and the scores
if relationship are all they are cut out to be
and life from my eyes is wrong, and that what I've been looking at is everything in 2D

I want to know that like my man, not all men are scum
that its okay not to have sex, and if it is where does that leave an adolescent relationship
if there is an option that all of us youth of this generation do not know about
that you, our parents are keeping mum about
cos you sure as hell do not know what goes on behind our closed doors
loud music, skimpy clothes


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