they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today I missed having someone around that I can lean on. I mean sure I could lean on someone now. but I dont want anyone to get the wrong idea. I must be strong and depend on myself. Today I wished that girl with her arms wrapped around her man walking down that airstrip was happy, whole and contented. those images etched into my mind, and hidden on my desktop. I pray that it would be a tipping point that would make me love you in the way fairy tales say love is. But who am I kidding, that "birds will sing" and "walked with you, once upon a dream". I stomp my feet and insist it has to be enough. And by my standards it could be. But you should watch me as I say it. The life sucked outta me. I wanna say, the next time I'm with someone. That he's My man. That I am falling, or have fallen for him. That no matter what everyone else says, I'd stick by him because I feel for him that deeply. I am cautiously hopeful that that might happen to me. Patience is a promise. and I would have to listen and be brave. because I know, that if it were lucky that luck strikes the same place twice, I might be tempted to run for cover for fear it burns like lightning. good night world. hello to a girl to knows what she wants and is patient and tenacious enough to get it.


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