coming clean...
sometimes I do not understand why I hurt myself...
Why after it all I still coming back to the same thing over and over again...
It hurts...
i've looked past you time and time again..
this time are going to face you with piercing eyes
and bawl and writhe in pain
till its ingrained in your little head
that I am never leaving you..
for you I alone i move forward..
it means coming home with my head held high
catching you in a moment of weakness...
not leaving you to fend in a situation like that..
Its about karma... doing good and good will be done onto...
i have wrote about it many times... and each time.. I give my excuses not to follow through.. dear.. you got to be fucked up to not see what you are doing to yourself and what you are letting it do to you. I know it was never like that before.. but people after some time stop caring and are able to treat you like meat... so dont be so fucking naive.. move out.. suck it up and walk away...
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