they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Monday, April 21, 2008

self worth

someone told me on Friday something that left me frozen in my tracks... Someone finally understands my model of the world.. it was/is something that I so desperately wanted people to understand but yet I was so unwilling to share and when I did share everyone just brushed it off..

but to hear it, cut deep... it was the hardest thing I had to hear. You know what you are doing hurts you but you cant seem to help yourself. My lame excuse is that I am wired this way. That some where in my youth or childhood I... set myself up to fail.. that I wasnt worth anyone's time..that I was to second to everything else. In this place and space and in this statement I find solace and serenity...

Utterly screwed up if you ask me.. but that's just it.. I havent been able to budge from this spot.

i think that all my recent post has been leading up to this epitome.. not that i didn't already know. Everytime I tried to accept success.. i always deny myself the pleasure of satisfaction..

this is my way of putting myself on the line... to say that this is my ultimate fault. that I hope for strength..

to Cass one big Thank you! i'll take my baby steps on the road to recovery.. to drew.. yea.. you're always right.. i shan't take that for granted... I have to stop being stubborn about this and start standing on my own... figuritively of course...

why I am like that is up for discussion... I always thought that people in general are like that... however I have been proven terribly wrong...

so the new resolution is to do things that are intrinsically good for my well being..

for the first time i am going to be a little selfish do things that I want to so...


my next question is...
are these things that are intrinscially good for me.. things that I want to do..
for so long doing things for other people's benefit, because it fits in with their scheme of things is what I have chosen/ wanted to do...

why would I want to do something that benefits me.. you might think this is a simple question.. but its something that i struggle with often...

i better get back to work.. if you are puzzled.. dont worry I am too.. writing all this out drives me crazy... because it sounds so logical in my head...


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