they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Monday, April 13, 2009

heartfelt longing

What must I do to make you see, that we all love you and want to get you to understand it from my point of view. Is that too selfish to ask?

All I ask that when you walk through your day, realise that I have feelings too. That when you are angry about something, instead of finding comfort in my listening, you've always taken it out on all of me. It might not be your intention, but I walk on eggshells. Now I am sick of it. If I have to stick up to you, let you see what I see in you each day. Only then, only maybe, you might come to understand. Maybe not today, nor tomorrow. Hopefully sometime soon. That I love you, and that this cannot continue.

Your way of life is not as you imagine, but fallible.
I don't love you any less. but you are tough to love. I do this not only for your own good, but mine as well.

I hope you hear that this is heartfelt. That in all the tantrums, there is semblemce of care and affection.

Today you bare my grudge, yesterday I bore my anger. My intention is to get us to see eye to eye. I long for a time when I won't have to answer to you. I won't have to do things to seek your approval and your mark of certification. You may say, that you never asked for such a relationship. But in retort, what would happen if I did not? Life would be unbearable, unreasonable like it is now.

Funny how, this time you are the one who is upset, when previously, it had always been me. There is some saatisfaction to be gain. But I feel untriumphant. My vision is not to win the battle, but for peace and serenity in your home. In our home.


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