they never say a word.. yet there is this pressure for you to conform.. but tell me? why should you.. its utter nonsense.. don't listen.. not buy into it...

Sunday, May 30, 2004

It's party time...

hey! my dear councilors...

you are cordially invited
to a party.. at my place.. haha
the reason..?! nah.. dont quite have one...
i miss everyone..
its kinda a celebration for BMT POP
and a farwell to the people
who might be leaving to study abroad..
and for the j2 to chill out a bit..
before the ball starts rolling..

but i do need a little help in making this happen..
so if you could read the comment section just below..
and help make this party happen..
it's be a great big help!!!
hope to see you all at the end of the week!!!

my place..
be here around five..
my plane would touch down at one..
so you could come at three to help me with food if you want..
only catch is i have to shoo you all away by 10/10ish


Blogger pingzhi said...

okay.. my mother wont be helping us on this one so i need a tad bit of help on the food...

its a pot luck and if you can provide one of these things it will be most helpful

-bee hoon
-fried rice
-20 chicken wings (x3)(uncooked)
-40 sausages
-potato salad
-drinks 4 bottles (x4)
-20 crad sticks + sotong balls

you can volunteer to bring one of these items or something else if you have a better suggestion.. but please bring something.. if not we'll starve.. haha..
please let RSVP as soon as possible.. i'll be leaving on wednesday.. and wont be back till the morning of the party...

anything.. please post the comment here..
PS once someone is bring the item.. please dont the same thing...

8:01 pm

Blogger pingzhi said...

hey.. okay... this is revised...
i'll do the
potato salad

the only thing i need help with is the drinks...
okie... (whoever is not coming with nothing please bring 2 bottles of coke/sprite/whateverlah.. *cheekygrin*)thanks a billion
anyone who can bring anything else.. feel free...

i need help defraying cost..! ahh!!

i'll cya saturday!!! buai...

9:54 am


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